
Repair and Restoration Seminar


1. Improper repair of an old violin neck, such as an excessive thin or narrow one due to planing that often results in its failure to sustain the string tension by down-pressing the fingerboard with bent neck making the violin hard to play.
2. A new violin made with a neck too narrow or thin that bends making it hard to play.
3. Violin neck broke due to accidental damage.
4. Some antique violin necks are 15% shorter than that of the modern violin, viola or cello. In these cases, the necks must be renewed (because the ancient gut strings were less in tension strength than what were made of nylon or steel ones in modern time). Modern violin neck is 13cm in length, and it is 28cm on a cello, e.g., the Cello by Antonio Stradivari Cremona, 1709 “Boccherini” we restored for CHI MEI FOUNDATION, has a neck shorter than modern one by approximately 2.5cm.

The Cello by Antonio Stradivari Cremona, 1709 “Boccherini”
restored for CHI MEI FOUNDATION.

Process of Violin Neck Restoration:

Fig1.Connect a new neck with the scroll peg box.
The bottom one is an old neck much too thin.

Fig2.Frontal mortise joint of peg box.

Fig3.Violin body bonded precisely with neck,
and the fingerboard's projection angle accurately adjusted.

Fig4.New violin neck perfected and retouched with modeled antique perfect varnish.
The bottom one is an old neck much too thin.

Fig5.Front view of restored perfect peg box.

© 2007 Baroque Wang's Violin Shop
(D.10F)No.25.Ho-Nan.E.1.St,Taichung .City .Taiwan
 Tel: 886-4-23129815 Mobile: 886-935-978509 886-920-626319
